Forcing oneself into a situation of uncomfortable entertainment and uneasiness in the perspective of things that is presenting itself is not one that most of us like to do. We. as human nature shows, do not like to do many things that are outside of our comfort bubble. Take for instance a group of friends getting together. Now this many seem like a ordinary situation, but lets add a few things to it. Lets take the group and say that there are 3 guys, and 3 girls, a pretty balanced group of friends here. Now lets say that one of the guys and girls are dating, and one of the guys friends was brought along to meet one of the other girls. As that guy, you now know that there is a different situation presenting itself then "just a few friends hanging out". These situations present themselves in a myriad of different ways, sometimes with the others knowing or no one having a clue as to whats going on. This is pretty much in a nutshell what I am bringing to the table today.
In the thick of things I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, hence this blog. However most people are extremely vocal about their own opinion and sometimes it overlaps into there belief of fact. This grey area of space between the two is rather annoying. Some people know when to stop thinking that they are always right and others do not. [I am not including myself in either point here, mainly because I can be both at times] I do see the sides to where both may be right, however there is times that they are wrong.
Take these two situations and place them into a blender and you will get something resembling something out of a new theatrical release. A monster, a evil villain, or something else that would give any of us a nightmare or two. These creatures that I am describing have something that the movies don't show us: the human side of them. In every flick we all see that evil somehow shows up and terrorizes us in some evil way. However, In Real Life[IRL], we don't always see these evil traits until they are upon us. Even we miss them a large percentage of the time. We see them as family or close friends, brothers or sisters of our friends, distant cousins of our parents or, in rare cases, no family relations at all. These are the people that we have come to love and cherish, to hold and hug, to be there when they are down. Yet most people have the blinders on when it is something bad.
Now I am not saying that everyone in the whole world is like this, not even the people that I know or don't. Truth be told, I don't think that almost any of my close friends and family would be able to pull something even remotely evil against me. There lies the blinders. In more than one instance I have been shocked off my feet at someones actions or words, not necessarily directed at me. The world seems to be a bizarre place for us to all live in, and in the words of "disturbed" These are the hands we are given, this is the world we live in.
The few times I have come across these, for lack of better words, Situations, I have been surprised to see who was saying what and utterly shocked that they would think the things they did. I mean the people I was looking at were grown adults that had a functioning brain, or so I thought. The outright blasphemy calling, the lies, the things that were coming from them did not make me feel warm and fuzzy. Whatever. I can forgive. There are some things that just cross the line, and I for one, don't think that most of the people I know would even consider forgiving them for that.
This may seem slightly drawn out, but I am getting there. If you took one person that you knew who you felt strongly towards, and threw a variance into their bubble do you think that they would be able to actually go on normally? What about the Basic functions? Would they stop to think that they are creating something that isn't themselves? Would they get rid of that variance? These are many thoughts that have crossed my mind and in the light of the above comments I will try to deduce.
This person whom we will call Sarah for arguments sake is living a normal life. She is early 30's and works a normal 9 to 5ish job. She doesn't drink that often and is pretty much anti-social for the most part of it. She will on occasion go out for something with a couple of friends, and even go to a work sponsored party or two. She was married once, currently divorced, with noone really in her sights. Everything in her life is pretty straightforward and doesn't stray off the beaten path very often. Now if we introduce something that varies her life a lot here, say a guy comes into her life, which may be uneventful however its not that situation that changes things. After about 5 months or so of dating, Sarah begins to think that this guy might be one that she would marry. She is in love with this guy, and knows all his in and outs. Then one day the variance hits. The guy decides that he would rather be with his ex and decides to leave Sarah in the dust. Sarah is devastated. We all know how a woman can be distraught about a man. Thats not what I am looking at here today. Even though she may be upset, she will still go to work, come home, eat [more than likely less than before], and do the basic functions for a while.
Something will pop up out of nowhere that will cause a second reaction. Like seeing the guy with his ex at the grocery store. Most people here will get mad, some will take it out on him, and others will take it out on themselves. For all intensive purposes here, it doesn't matter they both will serve the point. Lets say Sarah takes it out on this guy. Well, ladies, if some crazy woman came screaming at your man what would you do? I am pretty sure most of you would try and get her to leave you alone and walk away. Well Sarah doesn't like that, so she starts screaming louder and following you, and your temper starts going, which Sarah takes as instigating, and becomes physical. Here is where Sarah is starting to get into trouble. If we had taken the other route, Sarah would be putting it all on her self, which would pretty much get us back here. Now Sarah will get some kind of penalty for what she did, which is probably jail time + fines.
Sarah probably will lose her job, due to the jail time, fines will still be expensive. So Sarah is now in a hole. Sarah seems to be the typical American that has too much debt and nothing to show for it. So to help her situation, she rents a room for a few hundred a month so that she can get caught up. She will also be working a different job with less pay because there isn't many jobs that can support her with the right amount of pay. So Sarah is not doing too good over this situation, but its not over yet. The roommate of hers is in her mid 20's who is going to school and working to pay for that. The roommate also has a boyfriend and a cat, which doesn't fancy Sarah too much, but the roommate was willing to pay extra for the cat, so she was ok with it. After a couple of months school starts letting up for the roommate and she is seeing the boyfriend more and more. Sarah seems to be getting a little jealous of this, she is starting to wonder if she will ever be able to have a family. Eventually the Boyfriend comes over about 4 times a week, usually spending the night or staying till late. Sarah is losing hours at work and it is all becoming a financial strain. Sarah is beginning to look into getting a second job.
Sarah is in a situation that might seem pretty rough but something that we all have gone thru at on point in our life or another. But what happens when Sarah and the roommate butt heads? or even just disagree about something? Does Sarah Snap from all the build up of seeing the Boyfriend over and the lack of one in her life? Does she keep it cool? Most of us will be open and willing to at least talk about it, even if the other person is wrong. But if u add the points above with a little pressure acting as a blender Sarah can become downright evil. At first Sarah will start to throw little snide comments under her breath, becoming harder and harder to talk to, and even rude. After that it becomes a territory thing. The boyfriend isn't aloud over, the cost of food for the house goes up, the cat needs to stay in her room only. Then Sarah reacts while the roommate is gone for a weekend. She asks her to leave. Only she leaves a nasty letter, with rude comments and no chance to talk. When the roommate comes home, she is caught off guard with this letter. Thankfully the roommate was already looking for her own place to live, closer to school. The roommate is trying to be the better person on that, however its still shoved in her face.
Sarah has put herself into a nasty situation. With her not getting the hours at work, combined with her overreacting to her roommates situation, has left her on that lovely river without a paddle. I do not envy Sarah here, nor do I wish this upon anyone.
Place yourself into Sarah's shoes for a minute. What would you have done differently? if anything? Can you relate to Sarah here or have you never been in this situation? What about the roommate, can you place yourself in her shoes? What would you have done differently? What about the Boyfriend? Can you do something different there?
In conclusion I write this as a pondering of thoughts, combined with experiences that myself and others have gone through. As a friend I have given the advice that is needed to the persons involved, yet somehow I still wonder about these things. There is so much involved with a persons mind and what will make it tick, and what makes it explode. Why would such a person behave one way and then when certain events occur, they act and behave with a separate set of actions and beliefs? There is a lot left out, mostly due to the fact that I could go on for hours more about everything that is there, but I leave it to the viewers and discussion. Only a select few know the meanings behind my thoughts and they most likely wont post here.
In perspective, I may be wrong in thinking the things that I do, as they may cause unwanted harm to someones ego. But this is my thoughts and they can go voice them elsewhere. All the people in the world are so centered on taking care of number one that they don't think about the other people that are out there. I guess that is a part of being American, but it isn't going to get most of us anywhere.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Randomness of it all
Somewhere between the daylight slowly fading into the distance and a caffeine infused nicotine inhaled electronica darkness, I found myself creating this blog in my thoughts. The combination of the three probably created something that most people would consider hastily as bad. For some reason or other I found myself thinking "what the hell can I waste at least two hours of my day on that will consume both brain waves and calories?" The latter seems to be something that would be rather productive, until you consider the amount of cherry coke(tm) I can consume. The former probably is not a consumable thing, yet we will leave it there for now. That night of revisting a PS2 game, combined with fireworks and whatnot has probably also pushed me over the edge of this to actually create it. So here goes it.
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